Miles Davis Quintet Live

Miles Davis (1926-1991) is one of the most influential, accomplished, and well-respected men in the field of professional music composition and performance. Born in Illinois, he was a graduate of Julliard Music School and is credited with influencing the original development of jazz.

Contemporary music is too often composed, recorded, and performed with so much technological support that talent, musicianship, skill, discipline, and artistry are no longer present in the final product. The final musical product in today’s musical industry is art only in the most literal of senses: it is “artificial,” in its inception, its creation, its delivery, and its promotion as a piece of merchandise engineered to boost sales to willing crowds who only want to be seen as complicit in the indoctrinated behavior of buying objects that are most loudly advertised as the most popular so their “friends” will still talk to them. Sadly, the value of the art of music is rarely found in the music anymore, but rather in the ability to insult those whom you’ve beaten to the iTunes store to download the latest 5 minutes of temporarily hip computer sounds.

In 1964 in Milan, Italy, the Miles Davis Quintet display true talent and skill and dedication to the enrichment of the world via artistic achievement. Jazz blends classical music traditions with themes from the contemporary world. The resulting music imitates the rhythm of the modern world in no less authentic form than did the classical music of its time did for a more pastoral setting. This live performance is proof that while so many people claim that technology has made the world an infinitely better place, the relatively low-tech surroundings of 1964 were home to people who achieved a level of artistry, civilization, and humanity that today’s world completely and absolutely lacks–and even, tragically and incomprehensibly–looks down upon as inferior and unworthy.


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