
“Taking back the internet…”

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About Luddite Online

LudditeOnline.com is owned and operated by Education Associates, LP. In conjunction with Education Associates, LP, LudditeOnline.com is dedicated to providing information and resources to help you find your way in a rapidly changing world.

The term, “luddite,” is often used inaccurately. While this site does offer a forum for people to voice their views about the problems and abuses associated with technology, LudditeOnline.com, as its name suggests, does not promote the idea that technology should be banned or that technology does not offer any benefits. Please see our page Luddite Anthem for more information.

Luddite Online Latest Articles

Net Neutrality Wins the Day

Luddites of 17th Century England fought the government to retain a hold on their livelihood and standards of living. The government’s recent decision to enforce rules…


Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution once was considered shocking. To suggest that humankind descended from apes was considered blasphemous. Oddly we now have arrived…

Luddite Film of the Century?

Amidst all the rapid and radical change from carbon paper, leaded gasoline, transistor radios, black and white television, rotary dial phones, and telegraph machines to high-speed Internet, disposable cell phones…

Silicon Valley and Amorality

Within recent memory, people respected those who achieved success through hard work. Similarly, not so long ago, cool was how we described those who could pull us out of sad, abusive, toxic places and make us feel good again.

Fugunka Films on Luddite Online

The contemporary world may be described as the era of “isms.” Capitalism, communism, fascism, nationalism, idealism, nihilism, atheism, totalitarianism, relativism, socialism, patriotism, fanaticism, pluralism, populism

